Federal Registers
- 1910.1002 - 03/25/2016 - 81:16285-16890 - Occupational Exposure to Respirable Crystalline Silica; Final Rule - PDF
- 1910.1002 - 01/18/2001 - 66:5317-5325 - Occupational Exposure to Bloodborne Pathogens;Needlestick and Other Sharps Injuries; Final Rule. - PDF
- 1910.1002 - 12/07/2000 - 65:76598-76600 - Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust - PDF
- 1910.1002 - 12/07/2000 - 65:76563-76567 - Occupational Exposure to Cotton Dust - PDF
- 1910.1002 - 01/21/1983 - 48:2764 - Coal Tar Pitch
- 1910.1002 - 05/28/1982 - 47:23482-4 - Coal Tar Pitch
- 1910.1002 - 11/21/1972 - 37:24749 - Coal Tar Pitch